
Fitness tracking app to meet your health goals



Use the FitPal the fitness app with wearable devices and get to know the smart scale which guide, rewards, and records all data automatically. And with tools such as trend screens and activity tracking - you can set goals and achieve them.


User Research, User Flows, Wireframes & Prototypes, UI Style guide, User Testing,
High-Fidelity, Web Design & Developement


2 Weeks


Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

Problem Definition

The challenge

We believe that our users have difficulty in accurately tracking their activity and setting weight loss goals. We believe that FitPal may solve this problem by using real-time data from a smart scale to inform the user of important health insights and body metrics. To measure the success of our app we would like a 12% increase in user engagement by tracking new and returning users.

User Survey

Based on statistics

According to this survey, 95.7% of the 23 survey respondents were using the Fitness / Activity Tracking app. And those people who used the app were interested in being more active and losing weight by using step counts and viewing calories burned features. From this result, we created an activity section, which is one of the key features of our app. Users can use the Fitpal scale to go directly to the activity section with more accurate body composition using the all-in-one app.

52.2% & 39.1%

52.2% of people used the fitness app for a more active life, and 39.1% used apps for weight loss. The remaining users used it for tracking sleep activity. As a result, we added all those features as well as activities for the user since we believe it can improve their lifestyle as a whole by using our app

87% & 82.6%

More than 80% of the survey responders used the app as a step counter and checking calories burnt, so we found out the user is interested in checking their activities on the app.

User Persona & Journey Map

Held accountable by users.

User persona and journey map was used to understand the user deeply. Using the user’s persona as the thesis of a story. With the story, we would further understand the user as if it was us and more accessible to solve the problems that the user was facing by adding specific features to the app.

User flow

Think like users.

From my user research, I created user flows from “sign up” to “play meditation” which is more user friendly and also set a reminder to make it easier to access features.

Wire frames

Think like users.

These are the initial wireframes. Edited and removed unnecessary items after user-testing 6 different people based on comfortability and usability.

paper prototype Idea Sketch
paper prototype Iterate of paper prototype

On to Hi-Fidelity wires

Iterate, iterate, iterate

user-testing_fitpal user-testing_fitpal

User Testing

Think like users.

  • Sign-up flow
    Not sure what “sign up with FitPal” means :
    Instead of displaying fitpal and social media signup pages, go directly to the sign-up page
    “Remember me” feature added in account login page

  • Pairing flow
    Not sure why to step on scale, Not sure about paired successfully:
    Provides animation footprint with scale for easy understanding of tutorial

  • Profile set up flow
    Change “next” button to inactive state (grey color) on gender question

  • Home
    Change graph line to show current state
    Change set weight button to CTA “SET WEIGHT GOAL”
    Create pop up modal: Would you like to choose an activity to reach your goal?
    * Yes, choose an activity * No, not at this time

  • Activity flow
    Add number of steps when completing a run would be cool to see at the end
    Change some words more simple and directly understand ex. water challenge to water intake
    Can include reminder about water intake on activity page
    Add Completion activity page that shows walk details/graph/ number of steps

Style guide

Be an UI Designer

header font


Aa Bb Cc

Tab bar & Icons
Homebar icons
body font

Roboto Regular

Aa Bb Cc

Logo Basic
logo design_white bakgound
input image

Far far away…

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Logo with Background
logo design_blue bakgound
button image


Final Screens

The completed screens below show effects of several feedbacks and adjustments that were made.

Future Feature



What I learned

This project was exciting and fun by creating a new technology with a wearable device. And I learned a lot by exploring in-depth UX process from iterations of failure and success.

Failing fast is the answer

We made wireframes as fast as possible after the UX process stage. Problems that were not seen in the user flow were visible after wireframes were created, and through several testing and numerous advice, we were able to quickly and efficiently iterate the design.